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Help Lines in Harrogate

Help Lines in Harrogate    Click here to Find Charities

  1. Action on Elderly Abuse
    • Call: 080 8808 8141
    • Elder Abuse is a serious issue that affects vulnerable individuals, often within their own homes or close relationships. It encompasses various forms of mistreatment, including financial, physical, and psychological abuse. This abuse is particularly concerning when it involves family members or individuals in positions of trust.

      Elder Abuse is defined as “a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.” This definition highlights the importance of the violated trust that older individuals often have in their relationships.

      To address Elder Abuse, Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs) play a crucial role. They are established under the Care Act (2014) and comprise multiple agencies, such as the police, health services, and housing, working together to respond to cases of adult safeguarding, including financial abuse.

      If you suspect someone is experiencing Elder Abuse, it’s essential to take action. Report the situation to the local council and the Adult Safeguarding Unit within Social Services, as well as the police. This is a crime that requires attention and intervention.

      Elder Abuse can be especially harmful when it involves female family members who have been appointed as attorneys and face resistance from male family members. Such cases may go unreported due to the victims’ reluctance to report their own family members.

      The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 is essential for those acting as attorneys or deputies. It emphasizes five statutory principles, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interests of the individual while respecting their autonomy.

      If you encounter Elder Abuse or suspect it, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. The National Careline Helpline is available to provide guidance and support. Additionally, you can contact the Office of the Public Guardian if you have concerns about attorneys or deputies’ actions, financial misuse, or other criminal activities.

      Remember, we all play a role in addressing Elder Abuse. By reporting and raising awareness, we can contribute to a society that respects the rights of older individuals and protects them from harm.

  2. AGE UK
    • Call: 0800 678 1602
  3. Childline
    • Call: 0800 1111
  4. Children’s Centres
  5. Citizens Advice
    • Call: 0344 411 1444
  6. Crimestoppers
    • Call: 0800 555 111
  7. Foundation Support
    • Services: Tenancy management, job finding, addiction support, and relationship improvement
    • Call: 0113 3030150
  8. FRANK
    • Honest Information about Drugs
    • Call: 0300 123 6600
  9. Harrogate & Ripon Centres for Voluntary Service
    • Call: 0300 123 6600
  10. Harrogate District Hospital
    • Call: 01423 885959
  11. Harrogate Homeless
    • Call: 01423 566900
  12. Help Harrogate
    • Easier Living for Older People
    • Call: 01423 813090
  13. Harrogate Mind
    • Mental Health Support
    • Call: 01423 503335
  14. Immobilise
  15. Independent Domestic Abuse Service
    • Call: 03000 110 110
  16. NHS
    • Call: 111
  17. North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
  18. North Yorkshire Horizons
    • Adult Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service
    • Call: 08000 14 14 80
  19. North Yorkshire Police
  20. North Yorkshire Youth Justice
  21. Refuge Domestic Abuse
    • Call: 0808 2000 247
  22. Help Lines in Harrogate
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